"Managing and innovation did not always fit comfortably together. That's not surprising. Managers are people who like order. They like forecasts to come out as planned. In fact, managers are often judged on how much order they produce. Innovation, on the other hand, is often a disorderly process. Many times, perhaps most times, innovation does not turn out as planned. As a result, there is tension between managers and innovation."
-- Attributed to Lewis Lehro, about the first years at 3M

So, how do leaders foster an environment of innovation, while still maintaining the predictability that may be required from the investment community and other stakeholders? Robert Park, a business analyst with Telus, suggests the solution is iteration. Small steps allow you to accurately scope work, "change with political winds when necessary," and make "little breakthroughs." This approach requires a high degree of flexibility and "small visions" instead of a single "grand vision." This is in contrast to what many claim as the key to successful innovation projects: a strong leader and a clear, shared purpose. What has your experience been?
Miami-based Vuru is selling nutritional supplements in personalized daily packs, packing them in cool foil wrappers. Pick any combination of their 2,000 name brand supplements and vitamins and voila! The cool thing to me was that Vuru operates an affiliate program targeting doctors, nutrionists, and others that want to create personalied supplement programs for their patients/clients. What if this concept was taken further and these items could have the brand name of the nutrition clinic on them, instead of Vuru. What if Vuru's pre-selected mixes (with names like "Women's Yoga Pack" and "The UrbanDaddy Pack") could be private labeled to other brands or "celebrities." You could market "Josh's Secret Formula" or an marathon training club could offer it's members supplements to assist in training. The appeal is the ability to have the scale of thousands of micro-sales-channels all leveraging the same backend operations infrastructure.

Bottled wine sold under a private label in a restaurant or bar with the chef's special mix of Cab and Zin. Mosaic tile mixes selected by mom-and-pop home improvement stores and sold at retail and regional home fairs. Custom mixes of M&M colors (add in the custom imprinting for a double-win) created by school PTAs for fundraising. Paint color palettes selected and "renamed" by designers who market to their clients and their friends (why should Gretchen at Devine Color have all the fun?).
This is yet another way that the "small" guy can be enabled to look very big and provide a huge degree of value to their customers based on their knowledge of the market, not their knowledge of supply chain, logistics, and manufacturing operations.

Some companies provide prior the "sale" by offering educational content on their websites, free trials, "betas" of new software tools, cache (ie, invitation only gmail accounts), or by being something that the readers aspire to (either because of a strong brand, a fresh style, or irreverant, provocative content that is "right on" to your target audience). Seth Godin evangelized related concepts as Permission Marketing, but marketers need not have elaborate opt-in programs or sophisticated systems to utilize this concept. How often have companies gone to a trade show, published a brochure, or went on a sales call with the express purpose of creating value for the customer, so that they would get a second conversation, and a third? Like the samples put out in grocery stores, what value are you providing to prime the pump?
Picture courtesy of BrownBeagle.us.