Their May/June issue featured great advice from some top-ranked executive coaches. These included Marshall Goldsmith, Andre Taylor, Dan Lier, Rick Tamlyn, Andrea J. Lee, George Johnson, Marcia Wieder, Steve Mitten, and Betty J. Harvey. Below are a few of my favorites:
- Stop Adding Too Much Value: capable people often get personal satisfaction from the ideas and improvement they contribute, however according to Marshall Goldsmith, although "you may have improved the content of my idea by 5 percent, you have reduced by commitment to executing it by 50 percent because you've taken away my ownership of the idea."
- Get to 5 Miles An Hour: When starting a business, launching a new change initiative, or the like it is important to make it real by getting it going. According to Andre Taylor, until the "business is real to the founder, he or she doesn't do the things necessary to make it grow."
- Lose the Clutter: Although cleaning out your life and streamlining your stuff is really valuable, that is not what I am talking about. I am refering to the clutter that you accumulate in your mind that keeps you from achieving. This is something that I learned about from Michael Bungay Stanier, the guy behind "Box of Crayons" and the 8 Irresistable Principles of Fun. He calls it "Start Getting Rid of the Crap." Dan Lier calls it changing your mind. "What's holding you back right now? What's the disempowering belief that you have, that you must change to take your life or business to the next level?" The point is the same. Anything that isn't pushing you forward, you should spring clean.
- Ask What not How: Rick Tamlyn says that "your life is all made up, so why not make it up the way you want." He refers to a concept that has gotten a lot of press lately in The Secret. The premise is that if you decide what you want, you'll start attracting co-players and support. The key is asking What you want, not How you are going to get it. George Johnson echoed this by saying "A HOW will ruin a good WHAT every time."
- ...I am going to stop here, so that you have some reason to pick up their latest issue.