There was a thought-provoking interview conducted by Crain's Chicago Business with Jason Fried, one of the founders of 37Signals. You may recall that this is the guy that blew off a product idea I once sent them, but apparently I don't hold that against them. I love what they do (as do their million other users) and they continue to innovate with a geographically-distributed team of 8 people. Which is pretty incredible!
One of things Jason mentions in the video is that they tried all working together, in the same office, and it killed their efficiency. He said "interuption is the enemy of productivity." Now they just try to "stay out of each others way." Certainly they talk, when they need to. They clearly collaborate, as the tools they make work well. They just do it judiciously. There is no water cooler.

In contrast, is most corporate environments, and even start-ups today, that prefer open, collaborative environments believing that people work better in teams if they are in each others' face all day long. What about the famed "Management by Walking Around"? Isn't that the epitome of interuption, having an executive walk around the office and talk to employees over their cube walls? We want cafeterias, or at least coffee service, to bring people together. They want social functions to build teamwork. I don't want to speak for Jason, but I suspect he would contend that this is like feeding the enemy army before they attack you. So, what do you think, are open environments (read: cubes), cafeterias, and water coolers actually breeding inefficiencies in organizations? Or is Jason's view more of a personality test for the corporate culture, its leadership, the size of the organization, and the type of work that is getting done.
Perhaps some work could not be done in the 37Signals way, distributed and unstructured? Perhaps this is unique to software development? Could trial lawyers work this way? Architects? Strategy consultants? Research scientists? How much collaboration and communication is enough? How much is too much?
Could all personality types work in this more isolated way and find it satisfying? Could you go days or weeks without the social chit-chat in the office? I know some that couldn't. I know some that would love it and would feel so much more productive.
What about you?