There is a consulting firm called Box of Crayons owned by Michael Bungay Stanier. He has published The Eight Irrestible Principles of Fun, which are provocative to say the least. He sells a bunch of products and services around these concepts, and I thought I would share one, as it relates to something I have been acutely aware of recently: the need to not be "busy." His advice for how to change our "busy for busy sake" ways is summarized in this from his website:
"Being busy is seductive. Just because you're going flat out doesn't mean you're on the right track. If it's the wrong hole, you need to stop digging."
So, there is a principle here that I have experienced and am trying to learn more deeply. Busy is not a "good" in and of itself. The feeling of accomplishment after completing something (which is VERY sweet to an impatient, type-A person like myself) is not as sweet as the accomplishment of actual results and demonstratable, measurable successes!
We must respect our time and our energy enough to act deliberately. If we believe a hole needs to be dug, we should consider each shovel-full and decide at what point we reassess the location of our hole, the tools we are using to dig, and the treasure we are seeking to uncover.
This January one of my resolutions was to do less things, but do them better. This is something that I want to keep focused on, as I still believe that is a hole worth digging. What are the holes that are worth digging for you right now? What holes have you abandoned?
At the risk of mixing metaphors, I leave you with this graphic conclusion from GapingVoid: