Is your Mom, your friend, your sister, or your co-worker absolutely remarkable? Then, you will love using the new Absolutely Remarkable mini-tribute. This new application allows you to create a custom, animated mini-tribute honoring someone and view it, send it yourself, or let us send it for you. If you know someone who is absolutely remarkable, you must check out this fun, free site.

Sort of like a movie studio will issue a trailer to build excitement for their new film, we are doing the same, building excitement for Remarkable. If you like Absolutely Remarkable mini-tributes, you will love the full-blown application and should sign up for the beta for Remarkable by Creative Outlet Labs.
Have fun using this and sharing it!
Before you go out to check it out, however, ask yourself this: Are you more of a phone person or an email person? You know who you are and I have rarely met someone who didn't have a preference (sure there are some things you'd only do in person or over the phone, but most communications are not like that and you can choose without seeming insensitive).
I bet there is a correlation between the likelihood of being an "email person" and typing speed. I'd be interested in your thoughts. I type fast and am an email person.
I wonder if there is a similar test for reading speed. I even like my voice mails converted to text (using SpinVox) because they are so much faster to get through in this format. Then I can respond via email or call them back...inevitably getting their voice mail and repeating the cycle. I hear about services like Jott which let you call their number to leave yourself messages they will transcribe and e-mail to you, I can't help but think that someone really gets me.
Zirga is an interesting entrance into the virtual assistant marketplace, popularized by Tim Ferris in his provocative book the 4 Hour Work Week. For $95, they will complete 35 tasks a month. They work all year, all day, and are US-based. They track the tasks on the website and as long as they are not waiting for a response, they will complete the task in an hour. The examples they give are things like travel arrangements, gift buying/sending, waiting on hold, etc. The kinds of things you would probably ask an assistant if they were handy and capable.

So, how does this apply to service businesses? Seth Godin has blogged about the discipline of answering the phone in one ring. What other metrics like that could challenge your teams to think in new ways about the old problem of how to provide great service?
If a call center could always pick up after the first ring, here are some challenges for other service businesses:
- Could a retailer guarantee that you'd never wait in line? I mean never. Not even for a second.
- Could a beauty salon guarantee that your manicure will last until your next appointment or it is free?
- Could a town car service provide flight delay insurance or traffic jam insurance to ensure that any costs and travel rearrangements associated with either would be handled? See previous post about bundling products and services.

It somehow seems poetic that in a container garden of the future, some of the pots have things that are growing and others contain things that are decomposing.
This brings to mind however how so many utiliarian things could be made beautiful and marketed as a desirable, upscale product when today they are industrial products. Better yet, combine an element of green lifestyle and you have a winner. Why not rain collection systems that look like water features in the backyard? Why not solar panels built into pavement tiles? Why not a solar oven that looks more like a stylish backyard BBQ (and less like a space communication device)? And I am sure you can come up with a better company name!

They are quite upfront that the art might not suit your taste, but they remind you that it is "cheaper than what one might pay in a gallery." I think this might be another way to say that if you like one piece a year, you are probably getting your money's worth.
Makes me wonder why more things are not sold in subscriptions, if something as personal as art can be distributed in this way. I'd subscribe to a shoes-of-the-month club if the price were right and I had a little control over the style. I bet I am not the only one.
Why doesn't a jewelry company charge a single young woman for the year and then send them gift on the dates they specify (their birthday, etc)? Technically it would be a gift to herself, but the element of surprise might just add enough delight to make the idea work!

As a child of teachers, an alum of honors programs and a self-described type A, I could see myself in all three columns (and then again, not fitting the pattern exactly).
The insight for me came when they discussed motivation for learning. The gifted learner is drawn by curiousity and asks "What would I like to do?", while the high achiever asks "What do you want me to do to perform well in this class/assignment/project?" On the other end of the spectrum is the creative thinker who isn't motivated at all by what the teacher/professor/authority thinks.
Then you look at the signs for innovative thinking, invention, and creation and you see the following (unscientific) correlation.

So, this is could be the core of our "managing innovation" problem. The folks most likely to innovate in really new ways can't be motivated in traditional carrot-stick methods. Perhaps this is why we so much innovation in start-ups?
As an aside, I wonder how many "Creative Thinkers" are now diagnosed with Attention Deficit because they can't seem to concentrate, when in fact, they are concentrating so intently on creating something new that they can't stay in the present and keep pace.
I catch a common theme here. I suspect all of the top communicators keep their body language in check, dress the part, and have pleasing tone and pace to their speech. They have credibility in their fields and avoid (at least publicly) reputation disparaging controversies and crimes. But most of all, they have something to say. Something they are passionate about (which is hard to fake in today's media-saturated, cynical world). The ones on the bottom list showed a total lack of empathy for their audience (their customers, fans, voters/taxpayers, employees, etc).
So, as you and I think about our communications for the coming year, perhaps it is better to focus on the things that are worth saying. Develop true convictions about the content of our speech and true empathy for the audiences and individuals to whom we speak, and let the rest take care of itself.
Maybe one of you will top the list next year!

I have enjoyed people's different posts and approaches to New Year's Resolutions for 2008.
- Keith Ferrazzi, author of Never Eat Alone, wants you to set goals and enlist others (via his Facebook application, cleverly named "Goal Post") to keep you accountable.
- My friend, Lisa, is determined to focus on 9 or so concepts this year, short enough that she can capture each on a Post-It Note.
- Penelope Trunk, of Brazen Careerist fame, says pick just one goal (and really commit to it).
- Others, like the folks at Andy Wibbels' BlogWild, have suggested picking a theme, instead of a laundry list of resolutions (destined to be ignored come January 7th).
- Ali Edwards, a gifted visual artist and scrapbooker, suggested selecting a word for the year. Her's is "Vitality." Here is everyone else's who responded to her challenge. I, of course, love the custom product tie-in possibilities for a one word resolution!
For myself, I am following the general gist above and selecting fewer things to focus on, making sure they are specific and attainable, and asking for your help.
My resolutions this year are simple. The personal ones including celebrating my 15th wedding anniversary this Summer in some memorable way and some specific ones for my family. The business ones include the successful management of a huge project at work and launching a new offering from Creative Outlet Labs.
However, there are two goals that I'd like to accomplish this year with the help of this community.
1. I'd like to learn how to draw one-frame cartoons. As the cartoon above illustrates, I am a fan of Hugh MacLeod (warning: some of his cartoons are not family-friendly) and wish I had thought about drawing on the back of business cards first, as I think it is brilliant format. Not only that, but I can try out my new Christmas gift from my husband, a Wacom tablet. This year, I want to have some blog posts that are just cartoons that I have drawn.
You can help with this in a number of ways: encouraging my early attempts that I might post here with positive comments/trackbacks and sending me your cartoon ideas (I understand that is how Scott Adams has gotten most of his Dilbert material for years). I will never be a professional cartoonist, but I'd like to be able to find new ways to communicate insights on business, innovation, and life... and cartoon drawing is it.
2. I'd like to make 1 million people smile. I mean be personally responsible for enabling 1 million people to have a positive, encouraging moment in time. I have some specific ideas of how to accomplish this, so stay tuned for more specific requests in the coming weeks.
I hope you are already off to a pulse-racing, mind-blowing new year!